Rolling Stones en Cuba! 3/27/2016
Rolling Stones en Cuba! – Domingo 3/27/2016 The two encore songs could not have been more appropriate for the time and place of this monumental rock concert in Havana, Cuba last night. You Can’t Always...
View Article3/28/2016
Lunes 3/28/2016 What’s a road trip in Cuba? Is it a 4-hour ride taking 9 hours? Or arriving at Playa Jamon (Bay of Pigs) to find that the entire town is out of power? Perhaps it is your professor...
View Article3/29/2016
Martes 3/29/2016 There is something I forgot to mention about traveling through what is seemingly the middle of nowhere in Cuba: the billboards. No, there are no giant cutouts of mustached men in...
View Article3/30, 3/31/2016
3/31/2016 Cobblestone roads blocked off to cars, streets full of souvenir vendors, houses full of artwork—Trinidad was quite the experience today. Awfully hot and awfully dusty, we spent a few hours...
View Article4/1, 4/2, 4/5/2016
4/5/2016 Cuban students must possess some of the best research skills in the world. Without the internet at your fingertips all the time, and without a lot of time on the internet when you do connect,...
View Article4/9/2016
4/9/2016 Dear Fam: This is Why I Don’t Call Home For the most part, all of Cuba’s major industries are still nationalized. This includes telecommunication services, which are run by the ever-so-lovely...
View Article4/12/2016
4/12/2016 – Ode to the Little Things “¡Cebolla! ¡Ajo!” Every morning we hear this call in the distance from our bedroom window, as the vendor roams the streets of Náutico, wearing enormous strands of...
View Article4/15/2016
4/15/2016 – A Day in Havana Sometimes you just need to roam the city without any real plans to truly realize where in the world you are. No class on Fridays and no set plans for the day, Rachel and I...
View Article4/18/2016
4/18/2016 – On “Revolution” The Cuban story as told by the U.S. narrative includes a revolution that happened back in 1959, while the Cuban narrative is of a dialectic revolution that is just entering...
View Article4/21/2016 – 4/23/2016
4/21/2016 – 4/23/2016 Our final class presentation was on Thursday 4/21, and since then we have been trying to get the most we can out of these last few days here. On Friday the 22nd we took a two-hour...
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